• The production increasement that took place in September and October will let Comforsa mitigate the drop generated by COVID19 and present better results at the end of this year than expected in July
  • 35 new people in the workforce to cover the productive needs of the company

Comforsa keeps working hard to overcome the economic crisis of COVID19. This effort is reflected on the results achieved in the first months after the summer of 2020. During September and October, the company’s turnover has increased and this growth suggests that the expected results in the middle of the year, when all of Europe was in the midst of economic crisis, may be mitigated by the end of this year 2020. In fact, the management team had predicted a significant drop in turnover by 2020, after a positive 2019. The General Manager, Reca Vidiella, says that “however, right now it is expected that this drop will be reduced due to the increase in orders from some of our customers.”

Beyond the impact that these good results can represent in the medium term, which will be seen at the end of the year, this turnover’s increase has also brought new business developments in the short term, and this has allowed the company to expand the workforce in recent weeks. Between September and October, Comforsa has been able to hire up to 35 people with the aim of being able to cover all the new demand coming to the company. The hiring of these 35 new workers, most of them born in the Ripollès region and some in Osona, clearly shows the link of Comforsa with the territory and the intention to be one of the pillars of the economic recovery.