Corporate Social
Comforsa is fully committed to empowering its community and preserving the environment
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is an innovative management model of Comforsa that consists of the voluntary integration of responsible criteria in the economic, social and environmental fields, for the development of its activities beyond those established by current legislation.
Training and Social Integration
One of the main objectives of Comforsa’s corporate responsibility policy is to ensure that the principles and practice of responsible behaviour strike a chord with society as a whole in order to move forwards together and make progress with social and environmental issues. Comforsa is particularly in favour of the Dual Training philosophy (Training and Business Centre) and collaborates on educational matters with Vocational Training centres in the region in order to assist students and the future technicians and skilled workers of our industry to enter the job market.
Equality and Ethical Code
Comforsa has a Code of Conduct, an Equality Plan and a Sexual Harassment Plan that summarize the various policies and practices that are in force in the company related to the behavior of people and the company. Thus, the rules of responsible behavior and the obligation to respect equal treatment and opportunities in the workplace and to avoid any type of employment discrimination between women and men are established.
Ethical Mailbox
In compliance with Law 2/2023, of February 20, which requires that all public sector entities have an internal information system.
To make inquiries of an ethical nature and to report facts, conduct or acts contrary to the Code of Ethics or the Law, click on the following link:
This system is a secure channel that guarantees the confidentiality and anonymity of communications and is available to all COMFORSA members, suppliers, collaborators, and sponsors. Its main objective is to investigate any irregular activity and improve the integrity of the services provided by COMFORSA”.
Environmental Responsibility
Comforsa is committed to the preservation of the natural environment and therefore has embedded in the consumption of electricity coming entirely from renewable sources and an environmental management system as part of its production process. The company also encourages a responsible use of resources such as materials, energy and water so that they are consumed in such a way that preserves the natural surroundings as a source of biodiversity, wellbeing and the social and economic wealth of the El Ripollès region.
Comforsa has four production centres, all of them in the region of El Ripollès, which has been closely linked to the forging industry for several centuries and continues to have a significant impact on its economic and social spheres. The company, with centreslocated in Campdevànol and Ripoll, enjoys a very close relationship with the local community and applies a business model that fosters proximity to suppliers and collaborators.